Growing a Beard in a Corporate Setting
Just because your were hired with no hair on your face, doesn’t mean you are confined to the beardless corner. But you can’t just bust out a Tom-Hanks-in-Castaway-unruly-face-monstrosity either. Finding a clean compromise is key.
Everyone knows that the guys with the beards get more say when it comes to important business decisions. Making your climb to the top easier requires a small time and money investment, but the payoff is huge.
Start growing your beard at the front end of a long weekend. That way, when you get back to the office, you’ll be past that awkward pube face stage and be ready for business. During this weekend, take some steps to ensure optimal growth by using a beard balm, like Mr. Rugged’s Bold Beard Balm. It’ll set you up for success by conditioning and moisturizing your starter beard, relieving your face of any irritation that comes with rough stubble.
Once you’ve achieved an even cover, use a good beard trimmer to keep your beard tight and clean. Continue using Mr. Rugged’s beard balm to help manage your beard. The natural oils and seed butters in the balm will keep your beard shiny, easy to style, and office-friendly.
It may take a few weeks to perfect your power beard but you’ll quickly begin to notice the benefits of beards in business. Embrace that you’re no longer a fresh-faced new hire and use your respectable beard to get ahead.