When You’ve Had it Up to Here with Your Beard
It at started when you wanted to prove to your friends that their beards were garbage and you could grow one that would make them look like newborns. Despite the constant complaints from your girlfriend that you were ripping her face to shreds every time you tried to get near, you persevered. You’ve pushed through the hot summers, waking up in the middle of the night and scratching your bushy beard until you bled.
But now you’re at the end of the hairy rope. It’s rough and unruly; it gets all dry and gross in patches and has made your love life nonexistent.
Step away from the shaving cream. Put down the razor. Help is on the way.
Let’s face it: you love your beard; your itchy, girlfriend-deterring, beard. You’ve worked so hard to get it this thick and it would be a shame to just chop it all off.
All you really need is a new approach. Get your hands on Mr. Rugged’s Bold Beard Balm and watch your beard transform into something much more manageable. Packed with natural oils and seed butters, Mr. Rugged’s balm infuses your crusty old beard with nutrients, as well as conditions the skin barely breathing beneath, to give your face a whole new life. After a few uses, it’ll be softer, silkier, and easier to style. Irritation and itch will be a thing of the past and passionate bearded love-making a thing of the future.